Wei Dong            董玮

PhD, Professor, PhD supervisor
College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University

Email: dongw AT zju.edu.cn
R.m. 311, Zetong Building, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
News Projects Publications Grants Awards Talks Misc


Wei Dong is currently a full Professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology in Zhejiang University. He received the BS degree and PhD degree from the College of Computer Science and Technology in Zhejiang University in 2005 and 2010, respectively. He was a Postdoc Fellow at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2011. He joined in Zhejiang University as a faculty member in Feb., 2012. He leads the Emerging Networked Systems research group (EmNets). His current research interests include AIoT, edge computing and edge AI, wireless networking and IoT security.


Recent Projects

AI-empowered IoT: The rapid growth of AI technologies, e.g., large language models, will have a great impact of IoT. We are especially interested in how to embed intelligence into a vast number of IoT devices. We study how to tailor complex AI models for resource-contrained IoT and edge devices, how to use AI for intelligent sensing, how to use AI to facilitate IoT programming, and how to use AI to empower various IoT applications such as video surveilance, smart home, and mobile computing. We have proposed some novel techniques and systems include AirText [TMC'23], EINet [ICDCS'23, TMC'24], MEEdge [WWW'24], FDAS [IMWUT/UbiComp'24], ChatIoT [IMWUT/UbiComp'24], ChatCam [IMWUT/UbiComp'25], and IoTPilot [SenSys'24 Poster], etc.
IoT data security: IoT data is the key to bridge cyber and physical systems. To address the serious vulnerabilities in the IoT perspective, we study various techniques to safeguard the IoT data gathering, storage, and computation process. We conduct various researches on this topic, including trusted I/O sensing, safe sandboxing, IoT confidential computing, and AI inference with data privacy protection and model privacy protection, etc. We have proposed some novel methods and techniques include dTEE [IPSN'24], WAIT [MobiSys'22, TC'25], TimeChain [WWW'25] and etc.
Systems for Edge-Cloud continuum: The Edge-Cloud continuum refers to integrating edge devices and the cloud, creating a computing continuum where the edge, and cloud intersect. We conduct researches on various issues on this topic, including how to facilitate low-code integrated programming, how to enable realtime data processing, and how to perform distributed and colabrative AI inference, and etc. Some novel systems include TinyLink [MobiCom'17, MobiCom'20], LinkLab [IoTDI'19, NSDI'23], EdgeMan and EdgeRuler [TOIT'23 and TMC'24].
Low-power wireless: Recent years have witnessed many low-power wireless technologies, e.g., ZigBee, Bluetooth, LoRa, etc. These heterogeneous technologies raised several important research issues, such as how to combat against cross-technology interference, how to perform cross-technology communication without a gateway, how to interoperate over a wide range of IoT protocols. In this study, we aim to address several key issues in this field. We have proposed some novel techniques and systems include TinyNet [MobiSys'22], LoFi [INFOCOM'21], RT-BLE [INFOCOM'23], BTrack [INFOCOM'24], BLEW [SenSys'24], BoRa [MobiCom'25] and etc.
Novel IoT systems and applications: We have built various realitics IoT systems and applications. These include the GreenOrbs system for forest monitoring, the Mosaic mobile system air quality monitoring, and the IoTbridge system for vibration monitoring for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge. We conduct research on system measurement, design and deployment issues. Some research papers include measurement on GreenOrbs [INFOCOM'13, ToN'14], Mosaic [INFOCOM'16, INFOCOM'17, UbiComp'18], etc.

Selected Publications (full list)


Current grants

Past grants


Invited Talks
